

We always tell ourselves that the people we love will be

around forever, until one day- they aren't anymore. And I 

know you're missing them right now. That it feels like a

visceral ache, deep within a part of yourself you did not

know existed until the day you lost them. So today, I hope

you remember that they live on within you, not just in your

heart- but in the way you infuse their care and kindness

into everything you do. In the way you take risks, knowing

that tomorrow is not promised. In the way you so 

courageously stay open to new possibilities, even when you

feel like you simply can't keep going. In the way you

continue to love so fiercely and purely, despite knowing the

terror and grief of loss. I hope you remember that even when

you lose someone you love, the love you shred lives on.

Their love is always with you. They are still with you.


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