White Paradise-flycatchers

 Paradise-flycatchers are among birders’ most favorite birds. 

 Three species can be found in Thailand; 

 1) Blyth’s Paradise-flycatcher (Terpsiphone affinis),


 2) Amur Paradise-flycatcher (T. incei), and 


 3) Japanese Paradise-flycatcher (T. atrocaudata). 


The male of Blyth’s and Amur Paradise-flycatcher can either have the typical rufous morph, or the less frequently seen white morph, while the Japanese Paradise-flycatcher only has one plumage morph. 

The identification of rufous-morphed male Blyth’s and Amur Paradise-flycatcher is quite straightforward. The male Amur Paradise-flycatcher has a glossy black hood contrasting sharply to the paler grey breast, whereas in Blyth’s Paradise-flycatcher, the face, throat and breast are uniform grey. The upperparts and tail of the male Amur Paradise-flycatcher are also more deeply chestnut with a slight purplish tinge. However, the identification of the white-morphed male is very little understood.



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