"You", i said inside me.

 The whole day of this color festival is nothing but a big burden for me. For me its never like any colorful day, it just went up a very color less and boring than usual day for me. 

He arrived in yesterday morning at around ten o clock  at home, at that time i was busy in my office work. I finished house cleaning and food work in speedy mode. My everyday schedule is like to finish every task of home , as soon as possible, so after that i can follow my office task. 


I do have an small business , which i run from my home. This small business is my identity and most important my only way of living in this crowded world. But it have no value , in others eyes and sometime not even my eyes. We had conversation earlier that, he would be here on day of holi festival , so when he arrived at ten in morning,  so there was no excitement . 

Listen, " bring me a cup of tea". This voice echoed in room from living room and i without any choice have to left my all work in mid, so i can make tea for him. After i handover cup of tea to him, he finished it and i was sitting there and watching him. At last he just went to washroom.

We didn't even exchange a single eyesite , but just this ceramic cup only. Then i indulge muself in cleaning living room, as he left there his bag and shoes.

I served him food after his shower , and he was just eating and keep checking his phone. This is festival day but he didn't bother to ask me anything, like do we need anything for home etc.

He was tired so he just went for sleeping and i start struggling again with my laptop . In evening when there was " Holika Dahan " festival on outdoor, i asked him, " is he going outside, so we both can go there" But he denied.

So we both watch this ceremony from our terrace and we were just busy in ourselves, because we have nothing much to communicate. Even i was so hopeless with our negative attitude, so just after ten minutes , i come downside and prepared bed . I hear his voice that, " im going out to meet my friend".

Actually his voice was order for me, so there is no need of any response from my side, and i slept already.

Next morning  I wake up early  , after house cleaning i prepared extra snacks . There would be definite visit of neighbors , friends and relatives. He walk up at around nine thirty in morning and i prepared tea for him. Soon after fifteen minutes he ask me for tea again, but there was no milk.

So by being gentle , which is very rare , he went outside to bring milk from nearby shop. So i sigh in relax mood that , at least  finally everything would be good and colorful for me too. It take him twenty minutes to be here again at home.

So when I hear his voice of being at home,  in hurry i ask him , why it take him longer time. But i become restless, when i see him and i get my all answer , without any word from him.  He was painted completely in purple color , he had played outside in street with neighborhood friends already. 

" Give me a pack of colors", he ordered me. 

And i just show him finger on right side of shelve , where last day i placed color pack. He took one from them, and ordered me to bring some sweets outside for friend. He says , he dont want  floor to be messed , so asked me to bring outside. 

I just shook my head in confirmation .

Every one outside , put some color on my face as well and i did the same. By standing there on main gate of our house , i see him.

He was so happy and enjoying with his friends and that he forgot to put color on me and for once i think that i should take initiate to apply color. But  i noticed , that  he was fully covered  with colors . There  was not inch place is available where i can apply color.

Soon after that he just went away with his friends to celebrate and i was left alone at home.


At evening when we both are having coffee while watching birds in sky. " I would be there on morning of twenty ", he said someone on call. By hearing this , i feel so depressed. He sees my expression and ask me," what happened" ?

There was complete silence for some time and than i ask him, why so hurry. Atleast stay for on more day. 

" Dont start again ", he says in louder ton.

Again a complete silence...

" Im doing everything for you, for this home", He mention. After all what you need beside this.

 (Silence )...

"You", i said inside me.


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