Im Happy
Saturday morning , everything started as i wanted always to be, morning tea on bed and peak a boo with my cellphone. My three friend are on holiday enjoying their trip and one more ready to go on trip with her husband . Five on contacts are celebrating their wedding anniversary and seven of random contact celebrating birth day of their sibling or spouse. Remaining updated their status with casual city outing picture with family friends and finally some with status of motivational quote and good morning wishes.
Then come to those chat section of whatsapp , total thirteen messages , but all are for work related. Not a single message of any friend, how even can be possible because i even never texted to them, so there is zero probability of any known one , friend one, relative one and family one message.
Its very normal routine for me, and with same i proceed to meet my best buddy , that is my work seat. Which is always ready to meet me with same enthusiasm , just like me. Im with this my normal mood , which is i think better than last two days. Bit easy for me, specially because its Saturday today. But i have to look full of energy , because it make my family happy , by seeing me happy.
Sometimes it feels like society says you should be always happy, and that showing your sadness is a sign of weakness. This is far from true – if you were to hold in all your sadness or anger you would explode. We all have good and bad days. No one can be perfectly happy all of the time, that is not human. One day you feel on top of the world, the next you are down. While I am still trying to accept this myself, I know that it is part of life and whether or not others choose to show it, it still happens.
For those who are struggling with mental illness and/or grief, dealing with this pressure to always seem happy can be even more challenging, as a lot of days are low. Sometimes when we are feeling down, we put on a mask to hide the darkness that lies behind the smile. Getting out of bed can be a major task by itself. With depression at times there is no apparent reason for why you are feeling this way. When it feels as though a cloud is hanging over our heads, those are the days we push people away the most. We do this because it is easier to try and forget about what is going on and not bother others with our problems. But getting through your problems and ignoring your problems are two completely different things.
Whether that is talking to someone about what is going on, finding answers to what is causing that emotion, or using coping skills such as drawing, yoga, mindfulness, and so many other healthy ideas, there are ways to help you get through the bad days. It’s okay to feel down.
Here are 3 tips for those days when you feel trapped:
Try to be social: This can be very hard, especially if you don’t want others to know what is going on but it can help. This could be as simple as starting a small conversation with your friends, teachers, family, or anyone else. I tried to implement this, but it wont work out for me.
Use coping skills: The list of coping skills could go on for pages and they are unique to each individual. Some healthy coping strategies include journaling, coloring, playing a sport, going on a run, yoga, deep breathing, and so many more. Once you find a few or maybe even just one it can help tremendously. Painting is definitely my type of skill.
Let yourself feel: When a low day hits that doesn’t mean you have to shut out what you are truly feeling inside. While this may be uncomfortable at times, acknowledging your feelings can help you move through them.
Remember you are not alone and you are not bothering others: Everyone in life has problems. That doesn’t mean you are adding to another person’s own problems if you share how you are feeling. You are not a burden. I have found that when I do share those thoughts and feelings a weight is lifted off my shoulders and a sense of relief comes over me.
The journey of life is filled with ups and downs, which is what shapes us into the people we are. When you’re having a bad day or a good day, remember that people do care about you, you are here for a reason, and the world would not be the same without you.
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